Retirement Income Strategies  | First Fidelity Group

Protect your future with First Fidelity Group. We offer retirement income strategies, insurance & risk-reduction strategies in New Orleans, Louisiana & nationwide.

Retire With Confidence

Start Planning Today with

First Fidelity Group

Have you been caring for everyone else in your life and putting your needs last? That’s typical of people working hard in their careers, raising their families and involved in their communities. However, as you get closer to retirement, it’s important to address your own needs before any more time passes.


At First Fidelity Group, Inc., we recognize your dedication, and that's why our firm is here to support you with retirement income planning, insurance, and risk-reduction strategies that help to ensure you are well cared for today and in the future. While we specialize in the unique needs of people in the nursing profession, we have the knowledge and resources to help most pre- and post-retirees, no matter what your profession.

Retire With Confidence

Start Strategizing Today with

First Fidelity Group

Have you been caring for everyone else in your life and putting your needs last? That’s typical of people working hard in their careers, raising their families and involved in their communities. However, as you get closer to retirement, it’s important to address your own needs before any more time passes.


At First Fidelity Group, Inc., we recognize your dedication, and that's why our firm is here to support you with retirement income strategies, insurance, and risk-reduction strategies that help to ensure you are well cared for today and in the future. While we specialize in the unique needs of people in the nursing profession, we have the knowledge and resources to help most pre- and post-retirees, no matter what your profession.

Schedule your complimentary “retirement-risk check-up” today.

First Fidelity Group—Four decades of providing insurance and retirement "care" for pre-retirees and retirees nationwide.

How Prepared Are You For Retirement?

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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I don't have a plan and am unsure where to start.


I have some savings, no plan, and some concerns.


I feel optimistic about my preparedness but could do more.


I have assets and a plan and am prepared to retire with confidence.


I'm unsure because I have been saving but don't have a plan.

Let’s assess your retirement vitals

Just as in healthcare, check-ups and screenings can detect problems early, and often even before symptoms begin. Our business operates the same way. We can help you assess your:

  • Risk exposure to taxes, inflation, and the stock market.
  • Ability to cover and pay for long-term care.
  • Need for additional retirement income streams.


At FFG, we help our nursing clients by offering strategies that can reduce risk and be proactive with their retirement future.

What to expect:

Schedule a complimentary appointment.
We will get to know you and learn about your concerns and goals for retirement.

Assess your vitals.
We will review your situation and identify areas of concern.

Create a custom care strategy.
We will put a strategy in place to help reduce risk and improve your retirement income outcome.

Conduct check-ups.
We will schedule follow-up appointments and monitor progress.

Get your customized care strategy

Are you ready to assess your retirement readiness and create a custom care strategy for your future?

Concerned about your money flow in retirement? We can help create a customized income strategy, so your money lasts.

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Retirement Income Strategies.

Stay financially healthy by reducing risk

First Fidelity Group, Inc. offers services designed to improve the overall health of your retirement and help to reduce risk.

Do you have too many unmanaged 401(k) accounts? Let's consolidate and manage those accounts so they work for you.

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401(k) Rollovers.

Are you paying too much in taxes or missing out on tax breaks? Explore tax-mitigation strategies and reallocate those funds to serve you better.

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Tax-Efficient Strategies.

Are you over-exposed to financial risk? Life insurance and annuities may align with your retirement goals for stability.

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Insurance & Annuities.

Needing care and not having access or the funds to pay for it can be devastating. Let’s find the right LTC policy to meet your needs.

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Long-Term Care Insurance

Don’t leave your loved ones wondering about your final wishes and without financial resources. Get organized and put your affairs in order.

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Legacy Planning & Preservation.

Are you a business owner and need options for your employees? Let's find a plan that's a win-win for everyone.

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Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans.

Not a nurse? We can help you, too!

While First Fidelity Group, Inc. specializes in taking care of the retirement income and insurance needs of nurses, we can still help you, too! Most people, no matter their profession, have common concerns regarding their retirement income and insurance. No two clients are the same, and we always get to know each client and prepare customized recommendations and strategies based on their unique needs. No matter your profession, we are here to offer our services.

Caring for you and sharing our knowledge is our mission

"Over the years, we have taken care of the retirement and insurance needs of thousands of nurses nationwide—from Connecticut to Arizona. My husband and I grew up with nurses in our families, so we understand the dedication, sacrifice, and unique needs of those called to this profession.


Far too often, we see nurses put off tending to their own needs until another day. Days turn into years, and then it becomes harder to address needs as time passes. Don't delay. Let's take care of your future self today. Retirement income and insurance strategies can offset risk and help you create a stable and fulfilling future.” 

~ Stefani Celio, President of First Fidelity Group, Inc.

Learn More with Our Resource Guides

Maximize Your Social Security Benefits: Separating Fact from Fiction

5 Essential Strategies to Help Ensure Financial Success in Retirement

Maximize Your Retirement: 5 Smart Money Moves for Your Old 401(k)

Get in Touch

Are you interested in learning more about your options? Reach out today to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation appointment.

Schedule your complimentary appointment by filling out the form below.

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